14 Foods You’ll Never Eat Again Once You Know The ingredients

3. Jelly beans

Easter candy falls into two major categories: chocolate and jelly beans. If you’re a chocolate lover, your next Easter basket won’t be ruined by this ingredient, but jelly bean fans are in for a nasty shock.

Those gooey bits of goodness are so easy to binge-eat. They’re hard and shiny on the outside and nice and chewy on the inside. How does a jelly bean get so shiny? With shellac, which is a less-gross sounding term for what it really is: lac bug secretions.


This resin is also used to make everything from fingernails to floors nice and shiny. In the past, it was used as electrical insulation and to make records before being replaced with vinyl.

4. Beer

You may expect your beer to be vegetarian or even vegan, but that may not be the case. Many beers are filtered through isinglass, a gelatin made out of fish bladder. While many breweries are starting to get rid of this unsavory ingredient, there’s a pretty good chance that you’ve had this nasty additive swimming with you at some point.

Guinness has slowly been phasing out the use of isinglass and is on track to eliminate it entirely, though the process has been taking longer than expected. To double check whether or not your beer is fish-free, you can check out the Barnivore database which keeps a list of vegan and vegetarian alcoholic beverages.

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tag: blog , health

Source: worldtruth


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