12 Hidden Symptoms That Indicate You Have High Sugar Levels In The Body
Most people think that only diabetics have elevated blood sugar levels. However, this is not true. Each person can suffer from this, and not to be aware and not notice of the damage nerves, blood vessels and organs. So it would not have happened you and to prevent complications that constantly high blood sugar can cause, it is important to recognize the warning symptoms and take appropriate measures.
1. Constant hunger
High blood sugar prevents glucose to enter the cells. As a result, the body does not get enough energy and “asks” for food over and over again: it’s a vicious circle.
2. Increased fatigue
As a result of elevated levels of blood sugar, the body is unable to properly absorb and store glucose. Energy is inefficiently spent, and the cells are not getting the fuel they need. All this leads to a person feeling tired for no reason.
3. Frequent urination
When blood sugar is too high, the kidneys cannot absorb the liquid. Therefore, the body, trying to equalize the level of glucose in the blood and in the cells, the blood dissolves the intracellular fluid and thus normalize the level of glucose. The result is frequent urination.
4. Dry lips, increased thirst
Dry lips and thirst are strong responses to increased fluid loss. The hypothalamus, which assesses the level of dehydration and causes thirst, sends signals to the brain. Of course, you cannot quench thirst, but still take water or tea without sugar.
5. Weight loss
With a high level of glucose, you can lose weight in a short period of time, although meals are frequent and contain a lot of calories. There are several reasons for this:
– Loss of fluid due to frequent urination leads to low levels of fluid throughout the body, resulting in weight loss.
– When the level of insulin is insufficient for the metabolism of glucose, the body starts to burn fat.
– Due to the high levels of glucose, the body consumes a lot of calories to create a large amount of urine and thus “saved” excess glucose.
6. Infectious diseases
Infection of the urinary tract and fungi infections happen to both men and women. However, much more common in women who have high blood sugar and diabetes. Large amounts of sugar creates a favorable environment for growth of fungi and bacteria.
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