10 Warning Signs Of Poor Blood Circulation

6.Weakened immune system

Improper blood flow means that parts of the body can’t get essential nutrients, which will affect the immune system and hinder the body’s ability to fight infections. If your immune system is weakened, your small cuts and wounds might not heal on time and properly. In order to boost your blood flow, you should exercise more often – you don’t need anything big, even a simple 20-30-minute walk a day can help.

7.Erective dysfunction

Improper blood flow in the reproductive system is the main reason for erectile dysfunction. This can make you unable to sustain the erection and may be related to atherosclerosis. If you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction, we suggest visiting your doctor so he can evaluate if there’s an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.


8.Hair loss

Lack of blood and nutrients in the scalp will almost surely cause hair loss. In order to boost the blood flow to the scalp, experts recommend massages with some essential oils which can assist in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients. Besides hair loss, improper circulation may also cause brittle nails and dry skin. Hair loss, can, however, be caused by other factors such as genetics, aging, smoking, hormonal imbalance, thyroid disorders, scalp infections, etc.

9.Heavy and tight chest

With no adequate blood flow, you can’t expect the heart to work well. Poor circulation in the heart can cause a feeling of tightness in the chest, a condition known as angina pectoris. Angina can also be caused by obesity or atherosclerosis, which is why we suggest visiting a doctor after noticing this symptom.

10.Skin discoloration or cyanosis

Cyanosis is a discoloration of the skin brought on by low levels of oxygen in the blood and improper circulation. The color of your skin may change to a darker one, and may be a sign of congenital heart disease in children. Nevertheless, it is a sign that you should visit a doctor immediately.

In order to improve your circulation, you should be more physically active and control your stress levels. Hydrotherapy and sitting or walking with your back straight can also help you achieve proper circulation. Avoid drinking too much alcohol or eating too much salty and processed food, and stop smoking as well in order to allow the blood to flow through your body as it should. Make sure to eat a healthy diet and include seeds and spices such as cayenne pepper, garlic and ginger which can boost your circulation. Finally, make sure to wear proper high-quality shoes which can provide proper circulation in your feet.

tag: blog , health

Source: qatarday


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