These Nine Things Happen To Your Body When You Eat Two Eggs A Day.
8. You’ll have a healthy metabolism and protected brain
Eggs are abundant in choline. It’s a type of nutrient that we need for many different metabolic processes as well as the ones that involve fats. Choline becomes transformed into acetylcholine e.g. the neurotransmitter that we need to transmit stimuli in our brain as well as our nervous system.
It really damages our memory and it can provoke premature birth in women who are pregnant . If you intake 2 eggs every day, you’ll get the proper amount of choline in order to have optimal health.
9. Your calcium levels are increased and your bones are healthy.
In order to have healthy teeth and bones , we need calcium and vitamin D. According to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information in Bethesda, Maryland when proteins and calcium are combined they maintain healthy calcium levels, but also help us have healthy metabolic processes in the bones.
Eggs contain plenty of vitamin D, too and it helps our body to absorb that calcium in a more efficient way.
We can conclude that eggs are really good for our health. Make sure you find eggs that come from organic farms because the eggs that come from caged hens are often full of drug residues.
Still, there are people with certain health problems that should avoid eating 2 or 3 eggs every day. Those are people with heart problems and diabetics. They should take up to 3 eggs every week.
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