The most sinister tourist destinations in the world

The most sinister tourist destinations in the world

Do you like travelling? Are you searching an adrenaline rush? Today we present a list of the most creepy, mysterious, and downright terrifying places in the world that are definitely worth visiting!

The Island of the Dolls (Mexico City, Mexico)

The legend says that many years ago one little girl drowned here. Later, her father found a doll near the place where the tragedy happened. He decided that the daughter’s soul had transferred itself into the toy, so he hung it on a nearby tree. He collected abandoned dolls and brought them to the island. Eventually, he even left his family and began to live on this island.


You can stay here to spend night in the father’s old house. Lying in bed beside you will be his daughter (a life-size doll). But as darkness come, you’ll need all your bravery to saty here with all these creepy dolls.

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tag: blog , facts

Source: welikeworld


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