Male Tourist Teased Hungry Bear With Food, Gets Mauled Inside Cage

Male Tourist Teased Hungry Bear With Food, Gets Mauled Inside Cage

A male tourist who visited Wat Luang Phor Lamai temple decided to taunt a hungry bear and paid a huge price for his stupidity.

Naiphum Promratee, 36, started teasing the bear by poking and hanging bowls of rice through a rope into the bear cage.

But it only made the bear angry and dragged him inside the cage, knocking him unconsciously. The bear then tried ripping off his flesh.

According to the staff from the emergency services, “The man had gone to the temple with four or five friends and he was toying with the hungry bear. The bear attacked him and pulled him in.”

His friends tried to save him by throwing cold water on the bear…

And poked the bear with a metal pole but the creature won’t budge.

The bear then started pulling the defenseless man to the main cage and continued to maul him.

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