15 Haunted Places You Should Never Search On Google Earth
1. The Completely Undeveloped Sentinel Island With A Random Shipwreck
Sentinel Island is probably the least developed island in the world that’s actually inhabited by a group of people known as The Sentinelese. They’re an indigenous tribe and are among the few people left in the world untouched by modern civilization. They maintain their lifestyle much like our ancestors did: by hunting wild animals and eating whatever they can find. They’ve been contacted by outsiders before; however, they violently reject anyone who tries to make contact with them. They’ve made it dangerously clear that they’re happy the way they are and don’t want any visitors. Unfortunately, in the image above, you can see that they probably did have some visitors at one point. When you zoom in on the island, you can see the image of a wrecked ship on the coast. Who the ship belonged to is unknown, and it’s likely the passengers met a brutal fate when they tried to get help from the people of the island.
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