15 Haunted Places You Should Never Search On Google Earth

7. Abandoned Building In Desolate Alaska

Alaska is known as one of the most beautiful places in the world. The mountainous views and icy waters make it a destination spot for those looking for breathtaking views. There’s no denying that’s the truth. Being in a wooded area so secluded is tranquil and relaxing. Not every part of Alaska is as peaceful as the rest, however. When walking through a pretty abandoned area, this is one building that you might stumble upon. It’s very rundown and looks terrifying. This is definitely not a building that we’d want to run into in the middle of nowhere. Even when we’re on Google Maps and doing some virtual sightseeing, it’s still absolutely terrifying to run into something that looks like it was taken straight from a horror movie. Who knows what kind of horrors await behind the terrifying black walls and rundown doors and windows?

6. Nagoro Japan Where A Woman Makes A Doll For Everyone Who Dies

Dolls are mostly intended to be toys for children. They’re supposed to be cute playthings, not something made for nightmares. There’s a city in Japan, however, where one woman takes it upon herself to make a doll for everyone who dies or moves away. She creates the dolls to remember them by. All of her effort and time that go into making the dolls seems sweet; however, the way they’re arranged around the town makes it absolutely horrifying. It seems like a normal village until you start stumbling upon the creepy mannequin-sized dolls lined up outside everywhere. Eventually, everyone in the town will be turned into a doll! Some joke that the woman murders people herself and turns them into dolls, but her intentions are really mostly sweet. At least, we hope they are.

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Source: therichest


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