12 Incredibly-Timed Photos That’ll Make Us Think We’re Losing It
4. Does Nobody Notice?
Either this lady didn’t drink her V8 juice or she, and everyone around her, has no idea that she’s falling into the pool. How is it possible? I know if I were falling, I’d be swinging my arms wildly and making a fuss to avoid the inevitable. Not this lady, though. She seems completely unfazed and actually happy about the fact that she’s about to get soaked.
Her friends don’t care, and no one is reaching out to save her and the guy posing for the photo is surely going to show every one of his friends this picture. The only thing that would make it better is if we somehow found out that these two were related. This is the kind of thing you could hold over your mom forever! There’s no lifeguard on duty either, so we’re not sure who’s going to jump in and help the lady out.
5. Just Land Over There
We have to assume that the people on this beach realized that they were suntanning and relaxing near an airport. Even if they did, you can’t think that anyone realized a plane would ever get this close. It’s crazy that this is allowed when you think about it. How unsafe are all these people?
Imagine how loud and windy it must be to be standing under that plane when it flies so close overhead. Imagine the people in the plane watching as they think they’re going to land on a bunch of innocent beach bums. This can’t be comfortable for anyone, yet the people on the beach seem pretty chill about the whole thing. There’s no way you’d catch me on that beach. Not a chance. Plus, the plane is just blocking everyone’s sun.
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