12 Incredibly-Timed Photos That’ll Make Us Think We’re Losing It

2. Floating Lawn

What on earth could make it look like this lawn is coming up for someone to surf? It’s like the grass is yawning or coming to life in a scary haunted movie where the neighbor’s grass is responsible for eating all the young kids on the block.

If you take a closer look, you’ll notice that a tree in the background has toppled over and the roots are so firmly planted and widespread that it’s pulled the entire area of sod right up with it. It’s an extremely cool effect but, we’re guessing, an expensive fix. The grass will cost money and so will fixing the house which looks like it’s about to get flattened by the tree. Very cool photo. Not a very cool end result for this homeowner, though.

3. Bike, Meet Pole

You ever catch yourself looking at someone else and then, because you’re not paying attention, you do something dumb like trip or walk into a sign? Well, we don’t know for sure if the guy on the bike was paying attention to the photographer taking a photo of the man in blue or not, but something went off the rails at just the right moment to capture him going face first into the street light.

It looks like it hurt a lot, and the guy in the blue doesn’t even seem fazed by it. If this was a couple on vacation or something, the guy in blue has about the coolest photo to remember his trip by, and the man on the bike probably got up and rode away as quick as possible to avoid embarrassment.

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tag: blog , facts

Source: therichest


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