10 Most Unique Animal Species You Won’t Believe Exist Today

8. Long Eared Jerboa

This cute little animal, is nocturnal mouse-like rodent with a long tail, long hind legs for jumping, and exceptionally large ears. It’s look is so distinctive that authorities consider it to be the only surviving member of both its genus, Euchoreutes, and subfamily, Euchoreutinae. And it is itself identified as one of the top-10 “focal species” in 2007 by the Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) project. Hence, this beautiful animal might not be around for long.

7. Spirobranchus Giganteus

The most distinct features of this underwater worm that you also might’ve noticed with the very first glance are two “crowns”, that are shaped like Christmas trees. And due to those crowns it received the name “Christmas Tree Worm”. Each spiral is composed of feather-like tentacles called radioles, which are heavilyciliatedand cause any prey trapped in them to be transported to the worm’s mouth.
Although these Worms don’t have any commercial fishery importance to humans, but many drivers and aquarists pose interest to them due to their unique and beautifully colored appearance.

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Source: glitzyworld.com


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