Oman National Flag, Animal and Tree



The National Tree


The national tree of Oman is Frankincense tree.

It looks a bit like an overgrown bonsai, and isn’t the most beautiful plant specimen out there. But the magic lies in its precious sap, which when hardened and burned for its sweet aroma, has been prized the world over since ancient times.

Sultry frankincense smoke is perhaps the most distinctive scent in Oman, a true reflection of the local culture and tradition.

Over the centuries, entire cities along the Frankincense trail in Dhofar and throughout Arabia rose and fell based on the trade of this luxurious commodity.

In addition to being named the national tree, the frankincense tree groves that grow near the old port city of Khor Rori near Salalah have also rightfully earned the distinction of becoming a Unesco World Heritage site.


tag: about-oman , wiki



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