Interesting Facts About Omani culture and costume

11. The grandest mosque in Oman–The Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque–was built from 300,000 tons of Indian sandstone. The construction of the mosque took six years and four months to complete. It is located in Muscat.

12. Ornamented, decorated and embroidered doors are common in Oman, providing a popular attraction for visitors.

13. Mesmerized by these interesting facts about Oman? Want to visit the country? Take a note: winter is the best time to visit this Arab country.

14. Except in Muscat, women in Oman are not easily seen on the streets. Omani women are generally required to stay at home and look after the household – except for one day.

15. Women in Oman wear facemasks and burqas depending on the weather conditions and their tribe. However, you may not find any woman without veils.

16. It is customary in Oman for women to meet other women at the occasion of a birth in the family. While at the time of death, it is the men who attend the actual burial of a body.

17. Pork is not consumed in Oman, as it is prohibited in Islam.

18. The main meal of the day is consumed in early to mid afternoon. It usually consists of a large serving of rice and a sauce made from tomato and fish or meat.

19. Men wear turbans and caps that are generally embroidered.

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