Top cities in Oman
Despite having a population of only perhaps 70,000 people, Nizwa is clearly the "major" inland city of Oman. Formerly the capital of Oman (several times) this leading city of the Dakhiliyah region is an oasis famed for its dates.
Nizwa has been a crossroads between Muscat and the mountains for centuries and boasts several magnificent mosques in addition to its well known souk, anchored by a large fort. The countries largest falaj (the ancient irrigation systems), the Falaj Daris is here and Nizwa typically serves as a base for exploring Oman's interior (i.e., plenty of hotels and restaurants can be found here!).
4. SUR
Sur is one of the primary cities of Oman, and a city of historical importance. Sur is located at the coast, next to a bay that serves as a natural harbor. Sur is well known for the wooden boats named dhows, which are still made by hand.
From this windy spot, Omani traders have sailed from India to Eastern Africa.
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