Nakhal Fort - Castle in Nakhal
One of the most unique features of Nakhal Fort is that it does not follow any uniform shape. The shape of the fort instead follows the irregular outline of the massive boulder on which the fort is built. This boulder elevates the fort above ground and gives the fort its magnificence. The lower level of the fort has a mosque, a well, and a date storage room, while the upper level of the fort has the Wali residential quarters with a variety of rooms for the family of the Wali, seasonal reception halls for men and women, and designated rooms for the children of the Wali. The rooms of Nakhal Fort display a variety of traditional exhibits showcasing how life went on during the old times, one of the guest rooms also has a gorgeous ceiling featuring geometric designs and Arabic scriptures.
Nakhal Fort is without a doubt the most significant fort in the whole of Al Batinah region that is open to the public at the moment. The trip to the fort can be combined with a visit to the Ain Al Thawarah spring or Wadi Al Abyadh. Nakhal Fort is open from Saturday to Thursday from 9am to 4pm and on Friday from 8am to 11am. Entry fee is 500 baizas for adults.
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