6 Causes of Water Weight Gain and Effective Ways to Reverse Water Retention
Water retention, also known as edema, is the build-up of fluid in the circulatory system or within tissues and cavities. It can cause swelling in the hands, feet, ankles and legs and is common in women during pregnancy or before their period.
It also affects people who are physically inactive, such as someone who is bedridden, sitting through a long flight or one on long-term medications.
Although many of the causes of water retention are non-life-threatening, it can also be a symptom of severe medical conditions such as kidney disease or heart failure. However, in cases where there is no underlying health condition, there are ways to avoid water retention and reduce the swelling caused by it.
Here are some common reasons for water retention. When you understand the cause of your water retention, you will be able to reverse it by avoiding or stopping the very thing that is causing it.
1. Excessive Sodium Intake
When you eat foods that are high in (refined) salt and drinking insufficient water, your body goes into “reserve mode” and begins to retain water. Your cells may expand about 20x over with water, to dilute the salty environment.
Salt isn’t the only commonly consumed product that is high in sodium. Processed food products such as processed meat, certain condiments and even canned vegetables have all been found to have a high sodium content.
On the other hand, there is natural salt that don’t cause water retention, but in fact can help to reverse the condition. Drinking water with Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt have the opposite effect of the damages that table salt does.
2. Magnesium Deficiency
One of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency is water retention. Almost every function in our body requires magnesium, therefore, a deficiency in this mineral may cause various functions in the body to be performing below optimal level, thus contributing to water retention.
One study found that 200 mg of magnesium per day reduced water retention in women who are experiencing premenstrual symptoms. Adding foods that are rich in magnesium in your diet, or taking a high quality magnesium supplement may help to relieve this condition.
Foods rich in magnesium include avocados, dark green vegetables, nuts, whole grains, spinach, peas, yogurt, dark chocolate and dried fruits.
3. Deficiency In Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 controls many aspects of water balance in the body, therefore, a deficiency in this vitamin may contribute to water retention.
According to a study conducted by the Journal of Caring Sciences, women who were experiencing water retention due to premenstrual syndrome benefitted from taking vitamin B6.
During the clinical trial the women reported that they found vitamin B6 helped reduce their symptoms more efficiently than any of the other supplements that they were given.
Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that requires various cofactors to work, thus it’s best to obtain it from whole foods instead of from supplement.
Foods rich in vitamin B6 include sunflower seeds, pistachio nuts, dried fruit, bananas, potatoes (with skin), tuna, chicken, turkey and lean beef.
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